Title IX at LAU

About Title IX

What is Title IX?

Title IX is a 1972 education amendment to the American Civil Rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in any federally funded education program or activity. The main goal of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support gender discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices.

Title IX applies to all aspects of federally funded education programs or activities. In addition to traditional educational institutions such as colleges, universities, and elementary and secondary schools, Title IX also applies to any education or training program operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance. Title IX seeks to ensure that there is equal access to education regardless of gender. Over time, this has come to be understood as not only prohibiting discrimination, harassment and sexual assault at educational institutions but also working to address long-term structural inequalities and obstacles hindering education progress.

Who and What are included?

While Title IX has a particular focus on students, it also includes all individuals who work for educational institutions. All employees (staff, faculty, etc.) are protected by and responsible for implementing Title IX.

Title IX also applies to the physical space of the institution. All visitors to schools, college and university campuses must also adhere to Title IX. In other words, all gender discrimination and harassment are prohibited at educational institutions that receive US Federal Government funding.

Why does LAU adhere to Title IX?

LAU is both a Lebanese and an American university. It is registered by both governments and seeks to comply with all applicable laws. LAU also receives research funding, scholarships and other grants from the US Federal Government.

Beyond compliance, LAU’s mission and values highlight the importance to “respect human dignity, promote gender equality, and be inclusive” and LAU is rooted in the core liberal arts beliefs that all individuals who seek to study and work to the best of their abilities should have the opportunity to do so. In addition, individuals are unique with unique capabilities and interests—this diversity makes LAU richer and better able to live up to its vision. Committing to implementing Title IX helps LAU to:

LAU’s Title IX Office focuses on five components to comply with Title IX regulations:

  1. Compliance: It seeks to ensure LAU is compliant with Title IX policies and procedures of the Department of Education and US Federal Law.
  2. Policy Recommendations: The Title IX Office reviews and makes recommendations for revision of LAU policies and procedures to better meet the requirements of Title IX—eliminating discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct.
  3. Advocacy and Support for Non-Discrimination and equal opportunity: the Office seeks to provide advocacy and support for non-discrimination and equal opportunity at LAU through participating in university committees, meeting with and participating in club activities, and keeping an active communications campaign on campus, among other means.
  4. Training: The Title IX Office is responsible for providing on-going training for students, staff, and faculty regarding the prohibition of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct in accordance with LAU Policy.
  5. Complaints Management: The Office is the main office receiving and participating in investigations of complaints of gender discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct.