Title IX at LAU


For Complainants

How do I report harassment, assault, and/or discrimination?

See this page, which contains detailed information on how to file a harassment, assault or discrimination case.

What happens after I submit a complaint to the Title IX Office?

Check out what happens after your complaint is received.

What happens during the interview with the investigation committee?

Both complainants and respondents may choose to have an advisor present with them at any meeting. This person shall not be a lawyer.

What happens after my interview with the investigation committee?

The investigation process is required to be prompt and the committee should be able to provide a rough estimate of when the process will be completed.

Who will be informed about my complaint?

Only those who need to be informed will be informed.

If I am a student, will my professors know about my complaint?

Only if your professors need to know—that is, if an intermediate remedy needs to be implemented (e.g. moving you to a new section to separate you from an alleged harasser) and/or if they have information that is necessary to the investigation (that is, they are needed as witnesses).

If I am an employee, will my supervisor or co-workers know about my complaint?

Only if your supervisor and/or co-workers need to know—that is, if an intermediate remedy needs to be implemented (e.g. moving you to a new office to separate you from an alleged harasser) and/or if they have information that is necessary to the investigation (that is, they are needed as witnesses).

Do I have a right to appeal the decision?

Yes, contact the Title IX Office for the Title IX Appeal policy.

How long will the entire process take?

The entire complaint process up until a final decision is reached (not including an appeal) should not take longer than 60 days.

How can the Title IX Office help me if I do not want to make a formal complaint?

If you do not want to make a formal complaint, the Title IX Office can recommend support services at LAU as well as support services in the wider community. The Office should also provide you with information on the complaint process should you later decide to pursue a formal complaint.

Where can I learn more about LAU’s Policies and Procedures?

LAU’s Policies and Procedures can be found here.